Hi from Josh | Introducing modHero X Mandala Art Hoodies
My experimental X Mandala patterns have made their way to some luxurious new hoodies! Really excited to finally show these off 📣
I chose to not go crazy marketing them for the holiday because of supply chains, shipping delays, bla bla.. I'll be more set to share them in 2022, but a few rad people are wearing them already, so...
Please check 'em out! Geeky. Arty. Extremely eye-catching. Fully lined for a substantial, cozy feel. Covered in original art derived from reclaimed vintage comics.
X Mandalas are my newest modHero exploration of modern mythic culture. They explore the power of the comics medium as a rogue visual language, an express vehicle for hero worship and a uniquely resonant raw material in and of itself.
Also they're trippy and look awesome on hoodies. Your mutant X-Vibe will never be the same!